Send Your Brand Message to Over 3 Billion People

Social Media Marketing is the best way to communicate with your target audience. Web Lounge has helped numerous businesses establish an effective social media management strategy. Success in social media is largely measured by audience engagement. To achieve high engagement, we recommend that businesses be in constant interaction with their following across all major platforms. Publishing engaging content is also an important part of social media strategy. All published content and creative should motivate followers to visit your website to learn more about your brand message. Once followers understand your brand story, there is greater potential for them to become your customer.

Social Media Management Services

  • Brand Strategy
  • Creative Content
  • Photography and Videography
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Trend Discovery
  • Caption Copywriting
  • Hashtag Research
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Paid Ad Strategy and Management
  • Community Management
  • Scheduled Posting

Did you Know?

Social Media “Signals” are an important metric in Google’s SEO Ranking Algorithm. These signals include metrics such and links.

Social Media Management

Social Media Certifications

Our Social Media Management Process

Hands-on Account Manager

Bi-weekly interaction with your manager and the social media target goals

Brand Strategy Social Media Injection

Target your audience with your brand to stand out among even the largest crowd

Social Media Analysis

Competition, trend, hashtag, website traffic analysis for your targeted audience to help engage them with visual content.

Creative Content Development

Our creative team of photographers, videographers and editors help make your content come to life to convey your message

Automatic Posting Calendar Schedules

This calendar is set with the plan and creative designs to be published automatically. No more daily posting grinds.

Social Media Advertisement

The biggest advantage of targeting an audience is by advertisement.  Target your „sweet spot“ and influence your posts to become viral due to the „snowball“ effect.  

How Social Media Can Benefit Your Business


There are over 3 Billion people using social media worldwide. There is no better way to reach your target audience than Social Media Marketing. Each social media platform provides a unique segment of the entire market. For example, Facebook users have the highest average age of any social platform. Whereas, platforms such as Instagram and Twitter have a much younger demographic.

At Web Lounge, we specialize in designing creative content that will engage your ideal brand audience. Branding is at the heart of every project we take on. We have teams of graphic designers, video editors, and copywriters who are dedicated to creating content that has an impact on social media. The content we produce has a higher likelihood of being shared, liked, mentioned, and followed on social media. Your brand message will be “stamped” on every piece of creative that we publish for your campaigns. Our digital marketing team will use your branded content to reach the maximum amount of people in your unique target audience. This method will maximize the brand exposure that your content has on social media.

Popular Social Media Platforms


Facebook – 2.2B Monthly Users

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is king when it comes to popularity and social media engagement. The platform is so popular mainly because it is user-friendly. This is also the reason why it has a higher average user age than other platforms. Less technical users who did not grow up with computers are able to understand how to use Facebook to connect with their friends and family.

The Facebook News Feed algorithm is also a major factor for their success. The algorithm has been refined over the past decade to the point where it is now. The news feed is designed to show you content that is popular in your network, and trends that are occurring outside of your network.

The Facebook Ads Manager is a marketer’s dream interface. The system allows marketers to easily upload ad creative, hyper-target audiences, and track campaign success.

YouTube – 1.9B Monthly Users

YouTube is owned by Google, and currently has about 1.9B active users per month. According to research, video content is the most engaging type of content on the web. This is why it is so important for businesses to have a video development strategy and regularly post on YouTube. Once you create a business channel on YouTube, users will be encouraged to “subscribe” to your channel, and they will be updated whenever you upload a new video. YouTube videos can also be embedded in your website or on other social media platforms for sharing.

Advertising on YouTube is managed through Google Adwords. Google Adwords is the most flexible Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising platform available to marketers. Advertising on YouTube can be done in many different formats. The most popular ads ran on YouTube are Video Ads. Video Ads can be skippable or non-skippable. Ads can be delivered to certain users based on their search habits and based on their history of watched videos. Other ad formats on YouTube include Display Ads, Overlay Ads, Bumper Ads, and Sponsored cards.


Instagram – 1B Monthly Users

Instagram has the lowest average user age of any platform. According to research, most of Instagram’s users are between 18 to 29 years old. This is important for marketing because if a business is trying to reach a younger demographic, they should definitely have a strong brand presence on the platform. One of the most popular features on Instagram is their “Stories” posts. Over 300 Million people use Stories every day. Instagram Stories is a feature that allows users to post images or videos that will vanish after 24 hours. Some say that this feature copied Snapchat Stories, which was originally launched in 2013.

Another powerful Instagram feature is the use of Hashtags on posts. According to Instagram, posts with one hashtag average about 13% more engagement than those without. Hashtag research is a service that Web Lounge includes with all of our Social Media Management Packages. Hashtags are a simple way to explain what your post is about. Therefore, more people will be able to find content that they are interested in.

Web Lounge also specializes in Instagram Influencer Marketing. Influencer Marketing is a great way to reach new customers through social media. This technique works by making a deal with a popular social media personality. In exchange for posting to their network of 100k+ followers, you can offer them an incentive such as free products, discounts, or monetary compensation.

Other Social Media

  • Twitter – 350M Monthly Users microblogging
  • Pintrest – 291M Monthly Users (best for image SEO)
  • Tumblr – 475M Monthly Users
  • Reddit – 330M
  • LinkedIn
  • new emerging social media platforms
social media management

Proactive Social Media Management

While many creative agencies claim to be “proactive,” in reality, they are only there to post what you tell them to post. Be cautious of social media agencies who simply use stock photos and write cheesy captions with minimal hashtags. Social Media with Web Lounge is much different. With Web Lounge, you can expect to have constant communication with our team, who will always bring fresh campaign ideas to the table. We know Social Media, and we know what people are responding to and what they are not.

Your brand message is number one, no matter what platform you are advertising on. This is why every project that Web Lounge takes on always starts with a Brand Strategy Workshop. During the Workshop, we will discuss and determine your unique brand story. This branding must be “stamped” on all content that is published to your target audience.

Our Digital Marketing Team is second to none. After branding and graphic design are underway, our marketers will determine the best Social Media Platforms and targeting strategies to ensure that your posts get the most amount of targeted exposure as possible. Our top priority is to help your business become successful. We understand that every business has a bottom line and that ROI is the most important aspect of any investment you make. This is why we diligently track all Social Media Campaigns that we launch and determine what efforts are leading to the most amount of sales for your business.

Please request a proposal today by clicking or pressing the bell in the bottom right corner of your screen. One of our expert “Brandtenders” will be happy to explain more about what attributes to Web Lounge’s Social Media high client success rate.
