Würzburg Webdesign


We found Nushu on Juliuspromenade Würzburg, Germany in 2012. At the time they only served take-away, they only had seating for about 4-6 people and a kitchen 10m.  When our team approached them, they were not to interested in growing rapidly, but growing some, so we helped them make a Facebook page.

We published the page online and in the take-away and within the first year they had so many customers waiting outside in line for sushi and home-made, fresh Vietnamese good food, they had to consider expanding.

Next door was some space which allowed them to grow to seat four more tables and a small bar area.  We designed only a google map and website at this point because the growth was happening so fast.

In another 6 months, they had to expanding again and in a year again.  Today the success of marketing has helped them achieve one of the best and largest asian restaurants in Wuerzburg.  Visit them today at their new location for the best food in town. Theaterstraße 3A, 97070 Würzburg, Germany
